Thursday 25 November 2010

Analysis Of One Sequence From The Rough Cut Video.

The sequence we have chosen to analyse is the sweet scene when our artist Bella is lying on a bed of sweets and we quickly wanted to analyse some of the shots that were too fast when they were edited. Initially we used the green screen to make the background completely black but when it came to editing out the green screen some of the colours on the bed and the artist Bella would dissolve, we then decided to re-shoot without a green screen and use a black curtain instead. When re-filming, we pulled the black curtain all the way and rolled the green screen all the way up so that it was out of the way. This allowed our new shots to have a black background which made our artist, Bella, stand out more with her sweeties corset. To make the shots that were edited too fast look better, we cut some of them to put in some shots we already had that were longer.

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