Thursday 18 November 2010

Final Rough Cut And Feedback

This is Group Ones Final Rough Cut . . . .
This is the final rough cut video overall the video is a succsess but there are some flaws, however these are easy to ammend.
For one base track's we used the green screen thinking that we dissolve the colour when it came to editing, but when we tried to edit out the green screen our star Bella and some of the colourful props where disserpering aswell. To fix this we just need to redo the shots this should take about an hour because we took pictures whilst filming, so we can just copy the mise en scene and instead of using the green screen use the black curtain instead.
During the video some of the shots are too quick, so we have decided to either make the shots longer or cut them completley depending on the length of the video when we re-shoot one base track.
Even though the camera work is steady throughout some of the shots are out of frame and too fast, but these can all be fixed in final cut pro, we just need to frame the shots and cut out the extra space in the back of the shots.
When these minor errors are all fixed the final video will be...BOOMBASTIC!!!!

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