Sunday 10 October 2010

Final Song Choice

Our final song choice is Kate Nash's 'Pumpkin Soup'. After several song choices we narrowed it down to this song as it is has a video which could help us plan what we visualise our film to be. Although it is a bit out of our comfort zone, as it is a genre of music which we would not usually listen to, I feel that it could be a challenge for us to excel and produce a top notch 'pop' music video.

The main theme of this song is about love and kisses which could easily be shown through the use of colours (reds and pinks), location (bright and crowed streets) and costume (pink dresses). We plan to involve members othe public within our movie by making theme hold related posters which could be editted into our final cut. This would be effective as involvement of the audience makes it seem more realistic and differs from just seeing the artist on the screen all the time.

Although this song already has a video we will only use it to guide us in them aking of our own, this will ensure that our music video is original and something people have not seen before. We will, hopefully, do this by bringing the song to the streets of London instead of using an inside 'set' location like Nash did.

All in all,  I am excited to begin our music video as I am sure it will be a fun and challenging project to create.

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