Saturday 2 October 2010

Lip Synch Tutorial

In lesson we were taught how to lip synch . This is to make our video more realistic, we sing the song just to get the lip movements then we cut out the sound and out the real song over it matching with the movement of the lips which makes out as if the person actually sang the song.
Firstly we were given a song with scenes from an indie artist including a wide range of shots

For example high angle shots, long angle shots, midshot, closeups and over the shoulder shots. We then had to choose a word from the song and make a marking point.
Marked the spot of the word and matched it up with the song, which made the artist movement match perfectly with the song that they were singing.
The editing was abit difficult because I found it quite hard to match the performance with the vocals, sometimes the performer was slower than the song.

In out groups we had to create a short music clip, only recording a verse and chorus from the song, the song we did was ‘Freak Out’, our group didn’t fully understand the task we did not film a whole clip of the verse and chorus but instead filmed it separately starting and stopping at different times.
I think this is why we found it quite hard to edit it on final cut pro, we learnt how to use the marker tool, so we then marked on the audio ‘Freak Out’ of every piece of the minimal footage that we had and lined them up.
We then used the razor tool to cut the footage to the beat.
This was very different to a opening of a thriller, we planed before hand and had a lot of practice and got comfortable.
With lip-synching we have to match it very well to the mouth movements to make it match the lips so it looks as if the person it actually singing the song.

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