Sunday 12 December 2010

Design Activity..Lesson 31

In this lesson we were given a tutorial on who to use the programmes Photoshop and Quark to create our digipaks. I found this very useful as although we were given a tutorial last year, I was able to refresh my memory and add to the knowledge of the programmes that I had gained before hand.

We were shown how to create effects which changed the colour of the image, made the image distorted and put shapes on to the image - which all in all made the image appear more visually interesting and different than it's original. We also learnt how to rotate the image, crop and resize which would help us to make adjustmenst to the image that we want to use on our digipaks so that they are exactly how we want them to be.

We were shown a range of texts in which we could include on our digipaks and it showed me that we are not restricted at all and have the freedom to create a completely new look for a digipak and think 'out side the box'. Overall, I found this tutorial helpful and know that it will help me create an outstanding digipak which links to my music video.

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