Monday 13 December 2010

Do's And Dont's for Design Work

  • Use a clear font
  • Use appropiate sizes for images and font
  • Use clear photos that are in focus
  • Use photos that are an appropriate shape for the page
  • Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition
  • Make sure the font is clear from a distance
  • Follow Genre conventions
  • Follow the conventions of the 3 colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for Images, Font, Background
  • Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioned:
    Artist Name 
  • DONT'S
  • Stretch the images, this will make them out of focus
  • Use layer styles
  • Use unnecessary effects, they must suit the genre
  • Place text across the artists face
  • Use a font simply because you like it
  • feel u need a seperate photo on every panel

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