Thursday 16 December 2010

Short list of potential ideas for didipak

The images of the sweets is a running theme throughout our videos and especially suits this time of year as they are candy canes and it is now christmas.

I really would like to incorporate this image on my digipak because I feel that it shows my artist having fun and enjoying herself. Also, it is very youthful as she is on a trampoline holding a bunch of flowers which could also be very girly - attracting a young, female audience.

 Once again, images of sweets would match our video and also the name of the album which is 'The Candy club'.

The barcode is essential to have on my digipak as it is what is seen on every single digi pak in stores.
This lasy picture is a long shot of my artist which i may put on the back of the digipak. I feel that it is a nice picture as it is very bright and shows that our artist likes to have fun.

Monday 13 December 2010

Do's And Dont's Of Designing A Digi-Pack


  • Use a clear font
  • Use appropiate sizes for images and font
  • Use clear photos that are in focus
  • Use photos that are an appropriate shape for the page
  • Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition
  • Make sure the font is clear from a distance
  • Follow Genre conventions
  • Follow the conventions of the 3 colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for Images, Font, Background
  • Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioned:
    Artist Name 
  • DONT'S
  • Stretch the images, this will make them out of focus
  • Use layer styles
  • Use unnecessary effects, they must suit the genre
  • Place text across the artists face
  • Use a font simply because you like it
  • feel u need a seperate photo on every panel

Do's And Dont's for Design Work

  • Use a clear font
  • Use appropiate sizes for images and font
  • Use clear photos that are in focus
  • Use photos that are an appropriate shape for the page
  • Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition
  • Make sure the font is clear from a distance
  • Follow Genre conventions
  • Follow the conventions of the 3 colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for Images, Font, Background
  • Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioned:
    Artist Name 
  • DONT'S
  • Stretch the images, this will make them out of focus
  • Use layer styles
  • Use unnecessary effects, they must suit the genre
  • Place text across the artists face
  • Use a font simply because you like it
  • feel u need a seperate photo on every panel

Audience Feedback

Mock up Digipak

In class i experimented with a few shots and color themes for my digipak, i decided to do a four panel digipak with mostly close ups and midshots of Bella with a sweet theme going through out the four panels and bright girly colors. I think that this will go really well and represent the music video perfectly, the arrows represent were all the information will go.

Sunday 12 December 2010

Research: three digipaks

This digipak relates to my genre as Pixie Lott is a pop artist. This album cover is from her first album, therefore, it is not suprising that it is mainly dedicated to the artists face - so that the audience/buyers can recognise her face and familiarise themselves with her. The background is similar to how I would like my own digipak to turn out as it is pink. I think that this is because many of her fans will be girls who would prefer lighter and girly colours such as pinks and purpers rather than more boistorous colours like bright reds and yellows. The font chosen for the artist's name is in white bubble writing which I think represents youth as most of her fans would be young and prefer the grafitti-style font than tradition 'New times roman'. Although the album name font does not stand out as much as the others, it is still very creative and gives the effects of little shinning lights which is reminiscent of a celebrities mirror with the light bulbs around it. I feel that this digipack relates to the genre and audience of my artist, Bella, as it is mainly pinks which attracts a young and girly audience which my artist appeals to.

Another digipack I have chosen to annalyse is Lily Allen's. It is very creative as instead of having a big image of the artist it is using the first letter of her name to attract the audience. The abrast image of her lying down in on her letter makes it more visually appealing for the audience and also reflects how creative Lily is as an artist. The boldness of the black, capital block letter 'L' on the pink background also makes the album stand out. The pinks used in the background and on her dress show that she is mainly aiming at a female audience and of a young age as her dress is not very revealing and quite girly. The font used for her name is bold and in black which makes it stand out and easy to read, whilst the album name is in ittalic smaller font with a pink outline which shows that it is not the most important aspect of the album. This digipak relates to my audience and genre as I feel that it attracts a mainly feminine audience because of the use of pink colours and the mise en scene and costume that Lily wears which suits most young girls today.

The Saturday's album cover for 'Im Missing You', I feel, suits my genre as it would appeal to a young and female audience. The image on the cover ties in with the name of the album, 'Im missing you', as it almost looks postcard-like - with an image of girls lying down on a beach looking like they are having a good itme. This would appeal to my audience as they can relate to having a good time on holiday and enjoying the sun (it is also something you would expect to see on a postcard in a tourist shop). The font used on this cover is very clever as it relates to the overall theme of the cover - sand. It is the group name and song name written into the sand which every girl can relate to when being on holiday (writing things with a stick or their fingers in the sand). The overall theme of the cover also relates back to their actual music video which is set on the beach and having them in beach outfits. This relates back to my genre and audience as it is an all-girls group and would attract many female viewers/buyers because of the strong feminimity themes running through the cover.

Do's and Don'ts of Design Work

  • To use a clear font
  • Use appropriate sizes for Images and Font
  • Use clear photos that are in focus
  • Use photos that are an approriate shape for the page
  • Use a layout that follows the rule of thirds for composition
  • Use an appropriate type face that follows Genre Conventions and A House Style
  • To be aware of where I will place the font, it must follow Genre Conventions and to Be Clear From A Distance
  • Follow the conventions of the 3 colour rule and use colour that is appropriate for Images, Font and Background
  • Think carefully about how I will use and intergrate font, text, language and Image
  • Use appropriate industry logos and conventions, properly positioned    Barcode Date Copyright Titles and Artist Name
  • Make sure you present the artist's name and album name on the side of the digipak

  • Stretch images, this will make them out of focus

  • Use layer styles

  • Use unnecessary effects. Any effects used MUST suit the genre

  • Place text across the artist's face

  • Use a font simply because you 'like it'

  • Feel you need a seperate photo on every panel  BE CREATIVE

  • Forget to include improtant aspects of a digipak including: artist name, barcode, copyrights, website


    Design Activity..Lesson 31

    In this lesson we were given a tutorial on who to use the programmes Photoshop and Quark to create our digipaks. I found this very useful as although we were given a tutorial last year, I was able to refresh my memory and add to the knowledge of the programmes that I had gained before hand.

    We were shown how to create effects which changed the colour of the image, made the image distorted and put shapes on to the image - which all in all made the image appear more visually interesting and different than it's original. We also learnt how to rotate the image, crop and resize which would help us to make adjustmenst to the image that we want to use on our digipaks so that they are exactly how we want them to be.

    We were shown a range of texts in which we could include on our digipaks and it showed me that we are not restricted at all and have the freedom to create a completely new look for a digipak and think 'out side the box'. Overall, I found this tutorial helpful and know that it will help me create an outstanding digipak which links to my music video.

    Monday 6 December 2010

    Digipak Mock-Ups.

    These are some rough ideas I did in class today for my digipak. The arrows indicate what will go where (for example where the barcode, tracklists, copyright information and record label logo will be placed). I have decided to do a four panel digipak because I have a consistant theme running through of sweets I think it will be too much and over the top if I carry it on for more than four panels.
    I think my rough ideas for my digipak work because it relates to the video it has the same on going theme.
    There are close-ups to of my rough ideas so people can see what it would like if they were holding it, and too see the writing and detail.
    (Im calling my artist Bella and I might call the album B)

    Digipak Mock Ups- and Advertisment Mock ups

    These are just rough ideas that our group put together. It incoporates all of our own ideas into one and as you can see it has an consistant theme running through it.

    Digipak Mock-Ups.

    Here is a mock-up of my digi pack. It gives a brief overview of how I'd like my digipack to turn out. I am using the colours of pinks, reds and purples which stick to the overall 'girly' theme of our video and how our artist behaves. On the front I have chosen to have the artist's name, Bella, in bold as she is a new artist so we would want people to familiarise themselves with that name as soon as they see the digipak. Also I want images of sweets and a big image of my artist holding a lolly pop as I feel that it sticks matches one of the outfits that Bella wears in the music video - a corset made up of sweets. The continous occurance of sweet images also ties in with the name of the album which is 'The Candy Club'.

    On the back of my digipack, I will put images of the Bella infront of the coloured doors in a row which will link back the the beginning of the music video where there are fast edits of Bella standing infront of different coloured doors. I will also try and put the track list in a over sized image of a lollypop inorder for the theme of candy and sweets to run throughout the whole digipak. Colours and font will be pinks and itallic as I feel that it reflects a more feminine side. The back cover will also hold the barcode, record label logo, copy rights and website of the artist - the back will hold all the main information.

    In the inside of my digipak, where the CD will be, I have decided not to place an image of my artist behind the CD but instead I will put an image of her lips which has sprinkles stuck on to them. This is because we used the same idea in our music video as she sang the chorus. There will also be images of sweets and
    lollypops surrounding the CD.

    On the other side of the cover, I have decided to put another image of the artist eating sweets decorated with pinks, purples and more sweets. Then in a red/pink bubble is where I shall put my 'thankyous'.

    Digipak Mock-Ups.