Thursday 20 January 2011

Question 4 What Have You Learnt From Your Audience Feedback

Below We Have Previous Audience Feedback Given Towards Our Music Video When It Was Shown Publicly.

Evalution Q4 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Our Audience feedback was really positive, they all liked the candy theme and thought that the sweet scene was the most creative, sexy and colorful scene of them all 

My comments

Evaluation Question 4.

Overall people were impressed with our video especially our artist Bella and her hand costumes, I think the audience really understood the sexy girly theme we were going for.
The second video said said that they thought the sweets and the costume went really well with our chosen song and that the artist looked good, the only critisims made were that we could have focused more on the background. I agree because the only backgrounds we had was a black background when Bella was on the bed of sweets and the outside background so this was mainly buses going past the trampoline, and walls. Maybe we could of included things into our background that went with our theme, apart from that I don't the background was a major concern to use because we wanted to have the colourfulness of the outside world included in our video, for instance the colourful doors, the big red bus and the sun shining on our artist gave it that real happy girly feel.

The third video said that we had simple shots, but they worked well and the focus on the sweets really gave an impact to our theme, they also mentioned that the close up of our lips with sweets on them looked really good. When filming we did use basic shots so that we could focus more on what was in our video, we did a lot of base tracks so we could select the parts we most liked, we used panning shots  a lot so we could follow the artist to get the whole background, body movements and see what the artist was wearing.

Below are the four mini clips of people sharing their thoughts about our video:

This is our pop video uploaded onto Vimeo, it shows the rating people gave our video. The Login is and the password is student.

Overall I have learnt that a lot of planning and research goes into creating not just music videos, but all types of videos because there are several things to consider. The audience has a big impact on what type of video you create because you really have research what type of audience you are trying to aim your video at and you must be specific about certain elements of the audience, for example their age gander etc.What the audience says is massivley important aswell because you can take what they say use it constructivley to make your video better. Copyright issues are a major issue because you need to think about wether or not you want your video to be signed to a big record label (so you would need permission from the record label) or to you want your video to be independent. When creating a video you also need to think about how your going to promote it. You need to think about the different ypes of technology your going to use in the production of your video and how your going to use them, also the risks that could possibly arrise whilst creating your video.
I also learnt that trying to think of a concept for a video is hard, because you have to also think about such things like setting, location, costume, specific shots and technical codes. Even the most minimalists of videos have to think about these things. Everything has to relate in some way because if it does'nt your target audience wont be able to realate to or understand your video.
I have enjoyed this project because my group and I have put a lot of time and effort into it, and I am pleased with the end result.

(This is a brief video of me quickly answering evaluation question 4)

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Evalution Q3

 How did You use media technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

All of the photos from above are all the technologies I have used  in the construction and research, planning and my evaluation stages. I used blogger to upload videos, images and document all the stages through my research and planning of this music video. Final cut pro was used for the making and editing of our music video and also for are annimatic and story board videos. I used Photoshop for my Ancillary texts which i used to crop and manipulate different kinds of images also using Quark express for texts.
Youtube was used on a regualr basis for uploading related videos and videos that we thought of doing before our final choice. In Google i got a lot of information and images for my related work throughout the stages of my research. In the process of making my music video we used a green screen, camera and tripod. Lastly we used Vimeo were our video was uploaded.
When using Final cut pro for our music video we had to use advance editing skills in a more advanced way by learning how to use the markers to cut out irrelevant clips we didn't need  for our pop music video.

Evaluation Question 1&2

In our video we filmed a extreme close up of my lips with hundreds and thousands stuck on them using really sticky pink lipgloss. We developed this idea from jessie j's video 'like a dude' however Jessie j used black stone jems with black lipstick which created a more aggressive, fiesty and hard look. We challenged these conventions and decided to portray the same aspect of the lips but instead of black stones gems, hundreds and thousands to stick with are girly pink theme which is more attractive and appealing . We also choose to stick with the extreme close up of the lips beacuse the impact of it being a extreme close up would be more effective and all the attention will be focused entirely on the artisits lips. 

As you can see From the above photo that the lips are colorful, they stand out also very appealing and preety, quite unusual and it work really well.

My starting point for this music video was inspired by Katy Perry's video California girls, i used similar conventions which are in her video such as the candy theme. I created a candy top with sweets stuck  all over the base of the garment, because we couldn't do the exact theme that Katy Perry did in her video to make ours more effective i used sweets to cover the entire table to make it a really strong shot. The costumes were a success very creative and bright pink fluorescent colors were used as in the Katy Perry video.
The costume in Katy Perrys video was very created and imaginative, on Katy perrys dress also had sweets, cones which were bright pink stuck on her dress, my whole group were attracted to it which inspired us to create the candy corset. The candy theme will attract a lot of young female teenages and young ladys, everything in that candy scene was girly, for example the table had sweets all of it with girly items such as a pink ipod, make up, pink petals and a pink cloth. This made it look fun, preety and energetic.

Rihanna's video is also a girly creative video that i was inspired by, I tried to used the same make up ideas as she did, such as the bright pink lips, radiant rose pink cheeks this was conventional as it followed Rihanna's makeup in her video which is aimed at a female audience but also attracting a male audience because of the nature of the makeup and sexiness that it protrays. The colours are bright rainbow, fruity colours which stand out especially to female audiences.


In the other scenes in our music video I used some of the costume themes also from one of Rihanna's music videos 'only girl in the world' , flowery dresses and mini puffy pink skirts which also had flowers on them
 all these ideas were inspired and developed from Rihanna's video 'only girl in the world'.

This is a screenshot from our video with me in the flower dress holding the bunch of flowers also seen in Rihannas video, Rihanna chanlleged these conventions as she was in a garden full of bright floursent flowers surrounding her.

This is another screenshot from our music video with Bella in her pink mini skirt infront of a pink door, 
This is a continous running theme of pinks. The bright pink door has a huge impact in that scene because it allows the artist to stand out so they eye dosent drift from the artist, but it goes from the background to the foreground and this creates a really dramatic powerful secne.


My Comments :

How Effective is the combination of your main product (video) and Ancillary texts ( Digipak and avertisment) ?

 When creating my digipak I had to make sure there were clear links that could be identified through my music video, this was achieved easily because the front cover of my digipak is a close up of me in the sweet costume. There were various scenes of me in the sweet costume using a variety of shots and angels so i had a range of images i could choose from.


Here are some screenshots from our music video were Bella is performing the candy scene, when seeing this the audience will identify Bella on both digipak and advertisments becasue the same images are used to create my Ancillary texts.

I have kept the pink theme throughout my advertisment and digipak, the text is clear and the same font is used both on my digipak and advertisment, I had to make sure when making my Ancillary texts there had to be clear and link. I think that i achieved this because i used the same image on front of my digipak on my advertisment, because Bella is a new artisit the audience needs to be able to identify Bella being a new upcoming artist.

Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Directors Comments

Although our original target audience that we stated in our pitch was aimed mainly at females we discovered that we drew many male viewers as well. This was due to how we sexualised Bella in our music video which made her seem more attractive to a male audience and kept them interested in our video and her products. This seems as a bonus because we now have a wider variety of audience for our artist which is good as she is a new artist and we would want her to be popular with more people. However, from the comments below it is very clear that the video is more popular with the main target audience of girls as they give us more enthusiasm from our video and positive feedback.

Audience Feedback

Most of our audience feedback was very positive from the audience after the cinema showing. They especially enjoyed our costume with the sweeties and how we managed to keep the sweetie theme alive throughout the whole music video. This was very pleasing to hear as it showed that the extra effort of creating an outfit and buying props paid off and reflected in our video. 

One improvement which was suggested to us was to make the settings of our scenes more relevant or more interesting. I understand this comment as we mostly filmed on quiet streets or surroundings with plain backgrounds. We could have improved this by using the green screen to make the background look more funky and suit the genre more. If we were to create the music video again I would definitely consider using the green screen and experimenting with more fun backgrounds to emphasise the genre of pop in our video.

Another improvement that we would make is by adding more effects when editing. This was because viewers thought our video was not as interesting in that sense than other A2 student's. However to defendb ourselves, we felt that there was no effect that we could edit in which would suit our genre and the actual song. However, next time we could consider maybe enhancing some images so only pink and red colours appear or editting the clips so that they run faster. This would keep to the theme of colour which we have applied to the whole music video and would also make it stand out from other pop videos.

Evaluation - Question 3

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

In this project we used many different technlogies to construct our media texts and music video and help plan and research for it. The main technology which we used were the 'Apple Mac' computers which held all the programmes for us to produce our music videos and digipaks.

Our main piece of equipment used was the state of the art video camera which we used to record clips for our music video. As we had already used this equipment last year there was really any new things to learn about the tools just refreshing our memory.

The digital cameras were used to take stills whilst we were filming to show our progress in making our music video and to take pictures for our digipaks. We were then able to develop the stills by putting them on a timeline to create a small clip of moving images.


Memory cards allowed us to record all our moving and still clips.
We then were able to transfer that information on to a hard drive by using a card reader. Our hard drives were very important in this project as they stored all of our research, planning and work. Also, without a hard drive we could not open final cut pro so it was essential that we had one with our clips, photos and work.


In this project, Photoshop played a major part in creating our ancillary texts (digipak and advertisements.). The variety of tools, effects and colours allowed me to be imaginative and help produce a media product of good quality which suited my genre of music - pop.

I cut out my image using the magic wand tool which eliminates the background scenery from the main image that you would like to keep. I then when to the drop down menu labelled 'Enhance'. This offered me a selection of choices that would enhance my image in one way or another. I then selected the option of 'Adjust Colour' and 'Colour Variation'.

A pop outbox then appeared which gave me the tools to help change the colour of the picture. It gave the option of increasing or decreasing the picture in colours of 'red, blue and green' and to lighten or increase darkness of the picture. Inorder to make the image pink, I clicked numerous times the increase 'red' and lighten tool. After, I increased 'blue' which made the image turn pink.

The new pink images placed with the originals goes with the girly colour theme of 'pink' and also is something different from the plain original image.

When creating my images out of the candycane picture, I began by enhancing the image as I did on the image above - turning the once red candy canes into pink ones.

This tool here is the cookie cutter tool. It allows us to cut our different shapes from images that we have already got. I selected the cookie cutter tool and a drop down list appeared which allowed me to select the shape I wanted to cut out.

There were many different shapes available, including food shapes, hearts, vehicles and many more. Through out my ancillary texts I used the heart, lips and candy cane cookie cutter shapes.

Once I selected a shape, I dragged the arrow over my image until it was the size that I wanted. When I clicked the select bar, I was left with my lips shape with a pink candy cane print fill.

I was then able to drag and drop this on my digipack and use it on my backcover. This is relatable to my music video, artist and genre as a whole because it is pink which makes it look very girly and stereotypical of a pop genre. Also, the candy canes is related to sweets which is a running theme throughout my project.


Our animatic storyboard was easily created on photoshop. I basically took pictures of things that may appear in the actual music video and transferred them on final cut pro. I then put the original soundtrack onto the timeline and dragged images on the timeline on the places where we visioned them to appear. I dragged the images to make them appear longer or shorter depending on how long we wanted them to appear in the song for.


The internet played a major part in reasearch and planning of this project. It helped gather information such as the record label so that we could contact them to ask for permission and other pop videos and artists which we could get inspiration from.

youtube played an important part in our research for our media project. It helped us get links to professional music video and embed it on our blog. This helped us as we could then gain ideas from previous videos in our genre and use them in our own videos. 

Blogger was the foundation of our project. It allowed us to present all of our research, class tasks, show links, embed videos and present all our project (music video and digipak/poster). It helped us gather up all our reseaerch and planning which we were able to look back onto the get ideas for our music video when it came to producing it. Also, it was used to present our evaluation to show how things came together. Blogger allowed us to not just evaluate our work in plain text but use pictures, videos, links and more.

Final cut pro, again, was used to edit our music video. However, we used more complex tools this time as we had to make it appear that the artist in the video was singing the song from the soundtrack (by another artist). We did this by using the 'marker' tool. We did this by firstly 'marking' a specific word on the original soundtrack by holding down the letter 'm' when the word was sung. We found it easier to do this by looking at the audio waves of the song and then dragged the marked song onto the timeline. This then allowed us to mark every base track that we filmed with Bella. To do this we switched to the audio wave view of the video and 'marked' the word which was selected on the original soundtrack. Then we dragged it on to the timeline. We then muted those layers so that when played it appeared that Bella was singing the original song. If the video was not in synch with the soundtrack then we used the keys 'alt+arrows' to move it frame by frame until it was in synch. This created layers of numerous base tracks which we then cut at certain beats of the track by using the razor tool.

Powerpoint was used effectively to present our pitch. This was to show what we would be doing and how we would go about creating our music video. We then converted the pitch from powerpoint in to a quicktime file in order for it to be viewable on blogger.

Evaluation Question; 3

How did you use media technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Above is blogger. This played a key part in creating our video as we needed to blog each aspect of creating our video.

Here is final cut pro. This was used to edit our music video. 

Here is the actual editing screen of our music video. Using the razor blade tool, I have cut the video up on each beat of the song to make more quicker and rhythmic editing. I did this by using the marker tool, to create red 'arrows' to show us where each beat started. I cut each base track on each start of a new bar(every 4 beats in the song). This made quick and sufficient  editing and this was key as our style of video is suited to a rhythmic, fast past edit.  
I used photoshop to edit my digipak and advertisement. Photoshop allowed me to edit text and manipulate pictures

Here is an example of how I changed the font.

And here is an image of how I manipulated the text. 

We used youtube as a key feature as it was from here where we got inspiration from other videos like ours.

Vimeo was used to upload our video.