Monday 10 January 2011

Evaluation Question 2.

I think our video was sucessful because there is a very clear link between it and it's ancillary products.
The dominant visual image in all of my groups digipaks and adverts is our artists Bella, this is the same in our video Bella is the main "attraction" the video is mainly about her.

Our target audience would be attracted to our digipaks and adverts because they contain a lot images from the video itself, so if they enjoyed the video then they will enjoy the related products.

(The top screen shot an image taken 24seconds into our pop video, and the second image is an advert, the artist dace is exactly the same, so it shows the product links with the video. The artist Bella has a recognisable face on all products she associated with)

The video has one major theme, femininity. The ancillary products clearly show this, because like the video everything is the same. For example the colour theme of pink, black, purple and white, the props sweets and make-up and they style of the artist doesn't change either.


(The top screen shot is an image taken 2minutes and 58 second into our pop video, and the second is a screen shot of an image taken from the inside of my digipak. The artist style doesn't change and is consistant in her videos)

As stated in my previous blogs Katy Perry's song 'California girls' gave us some ideas as to how we could use different props to make our video more girly.

(The top image is a screen shot taken from Katy Perry's Califronia girls 3minutes and 15seconds in, the bottom screen shot is an image take from the back panel of my digipak. Although the cakes are not used the same, the concepts are the same. So not only does our video and it's products link so do other pop artist)

The texts on both my digipak and advert are I think successful and useful because they give the target audience the right amount of information they need to know about the artist, her music label and how to acsess her music. Also the design and colour of the font is pleasing to the eye so this my even be the main reason people wpuld be interested in reading the text about Bella, the record label, etc.

Because our target audience is young 'girly' girls interested in pop music and the latest technology the information on my advert I think will attract them into buying Bella's CD.

(The is a screen shot from my advert, most of our intended audience would be familiar with Choice Fm radio station, and almost defintley own an Ipod so this text is successful in 'reeling' in a bigger fan base)

(This is a screen shot from the back panel of my digipak, it's just basic information about Fiction record label )

(This is a quick video of me answering question 2 in the evaulation)

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