Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation Question 3.

This is a collage I made in photoshop, showing all the technologies I have used. I have shots of me filming with the camera which I used to film the entire video and other clips my group and I made realating to our project. Theres images of the tripod this was used to get a level steady shot whilst filming, and film from heights that I couldn't reach. Theres images of internet based technologies such as YouTube to research videos and add links to my blogs, Blogger this was essentially the backbone of our project because it allowed me to meet deadlines of coursework, show the progress of my work and actually show work that I've produced and Google to get photos and research relevant information. Theres images of  programs such as Final Cut Pro to edit and create my video, this year we used Final Cut Pro in a more advanced way by adding the base track,  using marking the base track so the lip syncing look good and accurate, I used the razor tool to edit my base track and delete certain clips I didnt want to use in the final video. I also learnt how to convert the videos I made on Final Cut Pro into Quicktime videos so I could easily uploaod them to my blog (I would mark the begging and end of my video with I and O for input and output, then I would export it using quicktime conversion, change the size to 160x120 and save it) If this didn't work I would use a new tool on the apple mac called Handbreak, were I could convert the quicktime film into an MP4 video and then upload to my blog witihin seconds.There are images of Photoshop I used this program to create my advert and edit photos I mainly used the crop tool to take parts of an image I wanted, there is an image of Bella in my collage with white spaces around her, this was me using the magic wand tool in photoshop to edit the background out of the image so I could use the the image on my digipak.There are also images of  Quark Express I quickly used Quark to get the template for my digipak. There is an image of my group using the green screen, however we decided to cut the green screen out of our video and use a black curtain instead so we did not use the chroma keying. Using the Apple Mac it's self is another form of technology I used because it is a very advanced computer, I used the Mac for about 95% of my work.

This is the animatic story board my group and I made, I added it to this blog too show the different types of technologies I have been using, and what I am using them for. We used Final Cut Pro to make this animatic storyboard, we just grabbed still images onto the timeline in the order we wanted them and added our main base track to create it.

(This is a quick video of me explaining evaluation question 3)

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