Sunday 2 January 2011

Analysis of 3 advertisements

This advert was used to promote Nadine's first solo album. It's main aim is to draw almost all the attention on the female aritst. This is why almost half of the poster is devoted to her. She is wearing a black dress which contrasts greatly to the softer and brown colours used as the background and border of the poster - which in all helps to make the artist staandout. The writing describing the album and date release follows the soft colour scheme and is in capitals and very clear to read. The poster also promotes a little competition where fans can tag themselves on faacebook to the poster in a chance to win and actual signed copy. This will attract more audiences as they'd want  to win the poster and therefore her album would be recognised and sell more.

This advert is used to promote JLS first track - Beat again. It follows the running theme of the 4 colours which represent each group member have. Also the font used is the typical 'JLS' font which is almost always associated with their music, group and merchandise. Most of the poster is dedicated with an image of the group and their colours leaving a trail behind them. This is so that the audience are aware of the new group and will familiariswe themselves with them. The band name is also repeated at the bottom so that it is remembered with the audience, but this time ina white font which stands out greatly infront of the black background. The release date is in clear black font over a white background. I feel that this poster is effective as it shows clearly who the artist is and what they are promoting. Also it is very neat and will attract many JLS fans as they will recognise the running themes of the colours. 

This poster is introducing the artist Pixie Lott as a new singer in the pop industry It promotes her well as most of the poster presents a very promiscuous long-shot image of the artist - which would attract both a male and female audience from a vairety of ages. The background of the poster looks like a stereo which is very imaginitive as it looks like shes as tall as it and emphasises her passion for loud, fun and energetic music. Her name is printed in a 'stamp-like' font which could be representing that shes new and 'fresh out of the box' and is paint-like white which stands out over the black background of the stereo. This poster is very effective as it is unusual (the stereo background) and really brings attention to Pixie Lott as she is the vfirst thing the audience will look at on the poster.

All these artists and posters relate to my genre and audience as they are all pop artists and would mainly attract a young and female audience.

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