Wednesday 19 January 2011

Evalution Q3

 How did You use media technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

All of the photos from above are all the technologies I have used  in the construction and research, planning and my evaluation stages. I used blogger to upload videos, images and document all the stages through my research and planning of this music video. Final cut pro was used for the making and editing of our music video and also for are annimatic and story board videos. I used Photoshop for my Ancillary texts which i used to crop and manipulate different kinds of images also using Quark express for texts.
Youtube was used on a regualr basis for uploading related videos and videos that we thought of doing before our final choice. In Google i got a lot of information and images for my related work throughout the stages of my research. In the process of making my music video we used a green screen, camera and tripod. Lastly we used Vimeo were our video was uploaded.
When using Final cut pro for our music video we had to use advance editing skills in a more advanced way by learning how to use the markers to cut out irrelevant clips we didn't need  for our pop music video.

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