Wednesday 19 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1&2

In our video we filmed a extreme close up of my lips with hundreds and thousands stuck on them using really sticky pink lipgloss. We developed this idea from jessie j's video 'like a dude' however Jessie j used black stone jems with black lipstick which created a more aggressive, fiesty and hard look. We challenged these conventions and decided to portray the same aspect of the lips but instead of black stones gems, hundreds and thousands to stick with are girly pink theme which is more attractive and appealing . We also choose to stick with the extreme close up of the lips beacuse the impact of it being a extreme close up would be more effective and all the attention will be focused entirely on the artisits lips. 

As you can see From the above photo that the lips are colorful, they stand out also very appealing and preety, quite unusual and it work really well.

My starting point for this music video was inspired by Katy Perry's video California girls, i used similar conventions which are in her video such as the candy theme. I created a candy top with sweets stuck  all over the base of the garment, because we couldn't do the exact theme that Katy Perry did in her video to make ours more effective i used sweets to cover the entire table to make it a really strong shot. The costumes were a success very creative and bright pink fluorescent colors were used as in the Katy Perry video.
The costume in Katy Perrys video was very created and imaginative, on Katy perrys dress also had sweets, cones which were bright pink stuck on her dress, my whole group were attracted to it which inspired us to create the candy corset. The candy theme will attract a lot of young female teenages and young ladys, everything in that candy scene was girly, for example the table had sweets all of it with girly items such as a pink ipod, make up, pink petals and a pink cloth. This made it look fun, preety and energetic.

Rihanna's video is also a girly creative video that i was inspired by, I tried to used the same make up ideas as she did, such as the bright pink lips, radiant rose pink cheeks this was conventional as it followed Rihanna's makeup in her video which is aimed at a female audience but also attracting a male audience because of the nature of the makeup and sexiness that it protrays. The colours are bright rainbow, fruity colours which stand out especially to female audiences.


In the other scenes in our music video I used some of the costume themes also from one of Rihanna's music videos 'only girl in the world' , flowery dresses and mini puffy pink skirts which also had flowers on them
 all these ideas were inspired and developed from Rihanna's video 'only girl in the world'.

This is a screenshot from our video with me in the flower dress holding the bunch of flowers also seen in Rihannas video, Rihanna chanlleged these conventions as she was in a garden full of bright floursent flowers surrounding her.

This is another screenshot from our music video with Bella in her pink mini skirt infront of a pink door, 
This is a continous running theme of pinks. The bright pink door has a huge impact in that scene because it allows the artist to stand out so they eye dosent drift from the artist, but it goes from the background to the foreground and this creates a really dramatic powerful secne.


My Comments :

How Effective is the combination of your main product (video) and Ancillary texts ( Digipak and avertisment) ?

 When creating my digipak I had to make sure there were clear links that could be identified through my music video, this was achieved easily because the front cover of my digipak is a close up of me in the sweet costume. There were various scenes of me in the sweet costume using a variety of shots and angels so i had a range of images i could choose from.


Here are some screenshots from our music video were Bella is performing the candy scene, when seeing this the audience will identify Bella on both digipak and advertisments becasue the same images are used to create my Ancillary texts.

I have kept the pink theme throughout my advertisment and digipak, the text is clear and the same font is used both on my digipak and advertisment, I had to make sure when making my Ancillary texts there had to be clear and link. I think that i achieved this because i used the same image on front of my digipak on my advertisment, because Bella is a new artisit the audience needs to be able to identify Bella being a new upcoming artist.

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