Monday 10 January 2011

Evaluation Question 1.

Intially this video by 'Kate Nash-Pumpkin Soup' influenced our final video, it was not only the song, but the mise en scene, the movement of the singer, and some of the camera angles and shots.
24seconds into this video the camera tracks in towards Kate Nash, in the beginning of our video the camera tracks into Bella laying on the bed then tracks up her body revealing her outfit the the general theme of sweets. The femininity (coloura, gestures, props) of mise en scene guided us to develop our video, and think about our target audience.

The top lips are a screen shot from  'Jessie J-Do It Like A Dude' video, and the bottom lips are a screen shot from our final video. We decided to copy the concept of things stuck on the singers lips, but we developed the idea by toning it down and make it more girly so it would fit in with our genre.

The top screen shot is from 'Katy Perry-California Girls', and the bottom screen shots is again from our final video. We decided to incorporate some of her body movements into our video because both the videos have certain aspects in common like sweets and pink colours. We obviously had to tone down our artist, so we matched her outfit with the props and unlike the California Girls video we didn't use any editing or green screen to add extra things, so we copied the position Katy Perry was in but made it less sultry and had Bella lie on a bed of sweets instead.

This is my final didgipak I got my inspiration from both Rihanna's and Katy Perrys Cd cover, I like the way on Rihanna's 1st panel it's just a dominant photo of her, and on Katy Perry's 1st panel her name is the most dominant visual aspect. By mixing these two ideas I produced a similar 1st panel, but it has it's own features for example the writing is all the same colour, all the same font and the background is all one colour through out. Also like Katy Perry's didgipak I have a consistant theme running through.

This is my final advert I got my inspiration from the Rihanna and Katy Perry digpaks I looked at, I wanted my my advert to be very similar, almost identical to m y digipak so that if someone who was looking for the Cd would immediatley recognise this Cd because of the advert.

(This i just a quick video I made discussing evaluation question 1)

We used developed and fully exploited the use of pop generic codes to appeal to our target audience, not only that we managed to appeal to a male audience aswell due to the 'sex appeal ' Bella has (E.g- lying on a bed of sweets in a corset made of sweets and her chest area is exposed but not in a sultury way). Everything you would expect to find in a typical girly video is in our video. We new it would work because the pop market is still growing and a lot of artists are associated with pop music. I believe the video fits with Andrew Godwin's theory of Amplification, the video introduces new layers of meanings such as femininity, sweets and "girly sillyness", but it does not contradict the meaning of the song, there is still an element of love in the video as there is in the lyrics (E.g- when the boy and girl kiss in the video, and hearts drawn on Bella).
Also our digpaks and adverts have a pop girly theme on them, so it's not like we made a pop video then the adverts and Cd is different everything is consistant so it would sell more.

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