Monday 17 January 2011

Evaluation: Question 4

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Directors Comments

Although our original target audience that we stated in our pitch was aimed mainly at females we discovered that we drew many male viewers as well. This was due to how we sexualised Bella in our music video which made her seem more attractive to a male audience and kept them interested in our video and her products. This seems as a bonus because we now have a wider variety of audience for our artist which is good as she is a new artist and we would want her to be popular with more people. However, from the comments below it is very clear that the video is more popular with the main target audience of girls as they give us more enthusiasm from our video and positive feedback.

Audience Feedback

Most of our audience feedback was very positive from the audience after the cinema showing. They especially enjoyed our costume with the sweeties and how we managed to keep the sweetie theme alive throughout the whole music video. This was very pleasing to hear as it showed that the extra effort of creating an outfit and buying props paid off and reflected in our video. 

One improvement which was suggested to us was to make the settings of our scenes more relevant or more interesting. I understand this comment as we mostly filmed on quiet streets or surroundings with plain backgrounds. We could have improved this by using the green screen to make the background look more funky and suit the genre more. If we were to create the music video again I would definitely consider using the green screen and experimenting with more fun backgrounds to emphasise the genre of pop in our video.

Another improvement that we would make is by adding more effects when editing. This was because viewers thought our video was not as interesting in that sense than other A2 student's. However to defendb ourselves, we felt that there was no effect that we could edit in which would suit our genre and the actual song. However, next time we could consider maybe enhancing some images so only pink and red colours appear or editting the clips so that they run faster. This would keep to the theme of colour which we have applied to the whole music video and would also make it stand out from other pop videos.

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