Thursday 20 January 2011

Evaluation Question 4.

Overall people were impressed with our video especially our artist Bella and her hand costumes, I think the audience really understood the sexy girly theme we were going for.
The second video said said that they thought the sweets and the costume went really well with our chosen song and that the artist looked good, the only critisims made were that we could have focused more on the background. I agree because the only backgrounds we had was a black background when Bella was on the bed of sweets and the outside background so this was mainly buses going past the trampoline, and walls. Maybe we could of included things into our background that went with our theme, apart from that I don't the background was a major concern to use because we wanted to have the colourfulness of the outside world included in our video, for instance the colourful doors, the big red bus and the sun shining on our artist gave it that real happy girly feel.

The third video said that we had simple shots, but they worked well and the focus on the sweets really gave an impact to our theme, they also mentioned that the close up of our lips with sweets on them looked really good. When filming we did use basic shots so that we could focus more on what was in our video, we did a lot of base tracks so we could select the parts we most liked, we used panning shots  a lot so we could follow the artist to get the whole background, body movements and see what the artist was wearing.

Below are the four mini clips of people sharing their thoughts about our video:

This is our pop video uploaded onto Vimeo, it shows the rating people gave our video. The Login is and the password is student.

Overall I have learnt that a lot of planning and research goes into creating not just music videos, but all types of videos because there are several things to consider. The audience has a big impact on what type of video you create because you really have research what type of audience you are trying to aim your video at and you must be specific about certain elements of the audience, for example their age gander etc.What the audience says is massivley important aswell because you can take what they say use it constructivley to make your video better. Copyright issues are a major issue because you need to think about wether or not you want your video to be signed to a big record label (so you would need permission from the record label) or to you want your video to be independent. When creating a video you also need to think about how your going to promote it. You need to think about the different ypes of technology your going to use in the production of your video and how your going to use them, also the risks that could possibly arrise whilst creating your video.
I also learnt that trying to think of a concept for a video is hard, because you have to also think about such things like setting, location, costume, specific shots and technical codes. Even the most minimalists of videos have to think about these things. Everything has to relate in some way because if it does'nt your target audience wont be able to realate to or understand your video.
I have enjoyed this project because my group and I have put a lot of time and effort into it, and I am pleased with the end result.

(This is a brief video of me quickly answering evaluation question 4)

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