Monday 27 September 2010

Analysing Lat Years Pop Videos-Lesson 4

In class we watched the last years A2 students pop videos, some of them worked really well they had some good shots and costume but some of them were just really bad and looked like they had been filmed last minute.
One video that i really liked was really simple it was a girl in oxford street, singing to the camera and different shots of people holding signs.
The video focused on one main colour red, everything else was a neagative effect this worked really well because the song was about love and red is a colour you associate with love,there were close up shots of the girls red lips and red accesories and things in the backgrouns like red buses, it looked good because it wasn't to colorful and the red wasn't too vibrant it was suttle and suited the girl. You could tell a lot of effort had gone into the video they had strangers off the street in the video but they fitted in really well holding signs that the group had made, there was a variation of shots of the girl like close ups of her lips full body shots and wide shots so you could see the background aswell as seeing her,there were also different shots of the location they were filming in, shots of steet signs and different parts of the location such as parks, the main street and outside a tube station. The lip synching looked really good aswell because the girl had learnt the words and she really got into the song, she looked right for the video. The strenghts of the video was that the shots were framed really well and the video was stylised just right it wasn't over the top it was suttle with a splash of colour so it looked simple and unique at the same time. In realation to Andrew Goodwin's theory i would have to say that this video is an amplification because the video went with the song the theme of love was obvious, there people hugging, holding signs saying "Everybody needs love", and a the colour red, but the girl singing alone could add a new meaning, it could mean she's spreading the love or shes looking for love.
Overall the video was really well edited and looked fun, i wouldn't know what to call the genre of music but if i had to say i would call it a house/pop genre.

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