Wednesday 22 September 2010

Beyonce-'Why dont you love me Analysis'

Beyonce is an American RnB Solo artist an the song is called 'Why dont you love me' by the title of this song you can already iagmine what it is going to be about.

Narrative: Throughout the song, Beyoncé, is dressed in retro-looking outfits, alternates between cleaning a retro-looking house and crying into a retro-looking phone.
In celebration of the revival of all things early '60s, BeyoncĂ©'s “Why Don't You Love Me?” is packaged in this period piece of a video with Being a housewife. As a hotpants-hottie, car-fixing, slick (then downward-streaming) eyeliner-sporting housewife named B.B. Homemaker. Could the narrative be based on reality? No. Personally I think It's another manifesto, it potentially subverts the idea of the perfect housewife of that era.

Genre: This is a pop music video involving drum and base with african drums and also guitar the main focal instruments that are used in the instrumental. Its very upbeat,fast, funky and has an obvious influence in sound from the 60s.

Representation: Beyonce reinacts the role of a typical house wife in the 60s, I know there were certainly upper-middle-class women of color in the ’50s and ’60s, but this image of the happy-but-secretly-unhappy housewife is stereotypically white. By virtue of race, Beyonce is twisting, developing and changing that sterotype.

this twist is very political. Consider this: In American politics today, the “perfect” mother is one who does not work and stays home with her children. Unless she’s poor. Poor women who want to stay home with their children are called lazy, welfare cheats. If you’re poor, you can only be a good mother by working.
Because race and class are correlated in U.S. society, and the “welfare queen” is a race-specific trope that usually refers to poor, black women, this video might very well challenge the white-middle/upper-class-homemaker argument.

Media language: In this video there are various shots medium, close ups, long, extreme and quite a few dismembered shots of beyonces body in this video.

Setting is in a nice middle class home, retro interior influenced by the 50s&60s, there are someSFX when beyonce is dancing seductively infront of a black screen with projected stars on the wall.

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