Wednesday 29 September 2010

Lip Synch Tutorial

Lip Synch Tutorial

In the lip synching activity we learnt how to appear as if we were actually singing the track. to do this we had to actually sing the song, when filming, and later remove the sound on final cut pro and attach the original backing track - if successful the words on the track would play at the same times as our mouths moving.

A challenging aspect of this task was editting. This was due to the fact that we had misunderstood the filming part of the task - we had not film not one clip of the whole song, instead, we stop and started filming at different parts of the song using different camera shots which wasn't the task. This made marking difficult as we could not have just one mark as if was not suitable for all the clips so we had to use two. This then made it even more difficult to match the song words with the clips perfectly. To solve this issue we pressed 'alt+arrow key' to move the clip (by frame) until it matched the song.

A new tool that we learnt to use was the 'Marker' tool, which helped us match a word in the song from the same word sung in the filmed clip. This ensured that the lip synch was in time and matched. To do this first we took the sound track and pressed 'M' when a specific word was sung (in this case 'freak out'). We then dragged the soundtrack on to the timeline, we knew it had been marked as a red arrow appeared at the time where 'freak out' was said. We then chose the longest clip and made that our base clip. We watched it and pressed 'M' when we sung the words 'freak out' in the clip to mark it. This was then dragged on to the timeline where it was automatically matched with the other marker on the soundtrack. This then synched the clips together to make it seem as if the soundtrack was actually being sung by us. We did this with the rest of the clips until we had about 6 layers of clips. Using the razor blade tool we cut several of the clips, not touching the base clip, and erased some parts of each clip. This was so that it changed to the different camera angles at specific times in the song.

The editting of a music video differs from the producing of a thriller film as it requires more attention and concentration. This is because the lip synch has to be perfect otherwise it looses the realistic manner of the music video as the words and mouth actions wont be in time.

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