Wednesday 22 September 2010

Karaoke Lip Synch Excersise- Lesson 4

Last lesson we got our first excersise where had to practice skills that are esential for the A2 practical project, we also had a reintroduction to Final Cut Pro so we could edit sound and mouth movement and we also got a chance to develope our camera skills.
For the karaoke lip synching excersise we had to use a CD player and large sheet of lyrics to film people out of the group singing along to the song we chose, we chose 'Chic Le Freak'. The people out of the group had to sing and not mime so it would be easier to edit the mouth movement to the music later on.
We had to film at least 3 times from start to finish with out stoppin, but we wern't able to do this a just filmed and paused where we felt nescessary so it would be easier to edit. We used a range of angles, close ups, pans and tracks.
This was all done holding the camera, I found that when it comes to actually shooting the A2 practical it's much easier to learn the words and set up the different angles before filmining.

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