Wednesday 29 September 2010

Review Of Student Work

Group 24 - Love

A group video which was very effective was group 24 who did a song about love. Their style of music was pop and I feel that their video reflected this. The whole video was in black and white apart from any thing red within the shot. This included the singers earrings, red lip stick, buses and ink on posters. The colour red was used as it has major connotations with love and romance which was what the song was all about - as it repeatedly used the word 'love'. This was effective as it wasn't it went against the usual 'pop norm' of bright colours and girls in little skirts dancing around the video.

In this video they used just one singer who danced and walked around oxford street with red earrings and lipstick. They used a variety of shots including long shots to get the crowd in the background in and extreme closeups on her lips singing the song. They also got the public involved as they made them hold sings with lyrics from the songs. This showed how much time and effort they put into the making of the video as they had created signs and really thought about what they were going to do with them and how they were going to go about doing that. 

I feel that this video is aimed at a younger generation, particularly for females, as the cast was mainly females and the song is about love and romance which we mainly assume would interest females rather than males. I say a young generation audience as the video seems fun and upbeat, which would interest younger viewers, in an area that they are most probably familiar with.

In relation to Andrew Goodwin's theory I think that this video is an example of amplification. This is because it breaks the norm and adds many layers of the meaning of 'love'. The use of the colour red shows the connotations with the word and the lively engery of the singer makes the audience assume thats how it feels to be in love.

I believe this video worked really work because of the team effort, time and thought put in to making it. The singer was engergetic, interesting to watch and 'sang' the song with enthusiasm, realism and emotion. Also the editting was done almost perfectly, where the clips would change on every major beat and the grey scale plus the red colour was very eye catching. All in all it just proved that you don't need big mansions, blinging jewellery and half-naked girls to create an effective and memorable pop video.

Adam, Lisa, Nasima & Sayvita from 283goswell on Vimeo.

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