Tuesday 21 September 2010

Lesson 3 - Analysis of british music video

N-Dubz – Wouldn’t You

N-dubz firstly began as a grime group consisting of 3 members. However, as they began to become more popular and known in the media their music became more commercialised and catered for a wider range of audience. Their new music now covers an R’n’B genre and this genre is reflected in their music video ‘Wouldn’t You’.

Firstly, the setting of the music video represents a very stylish and high life. It begins with a blacked-out car pulling up outside a mansion. This already tells the audience that the artists are very wealthy and feel the need to show off their wealth by including these extravagant things in their videos – typical R’n’B artists. The first group member, Tulisa, enters with a glamorous dress, stylish hair style and heels which is to make her look attractive to the audience and represents the typical ‘pretty-pop star’ in the pop video. The males in the group, however, are dressed more casually in work clothes, as they are participating in the story of the song, as workers. One is in all black and the other in all white which still sticks to the classy vibes of a R’n’B artist. Also, they are all heavily kitted with jewellery and designer clothes to show off their riches.

The artists narrate the story with a clear verse-chorus-verse structure. I also feel that the artists, to a certain extent, participate in the story as they are actors within the short video. They create a storyline on the basis of the song words to show the effects of ‘love at first sight’ and how easily it is to give in to the beautiful lady that catches your eye – typical R’n’B music theme.
Representation- I feel that we are encouraged to identify with the group as some shots are point-of-view shows which make the audience feel as if it is them looking at the other people. Also, the storyline may encourage the audience to reminisce or think about their ‘love lives’ or people in their lives who relate to the song.

The music video does not have any special effects; however, there is a constant use of a line of light throughout the video in some shots. I think this is reminiscent of the shining light off of jewellery which emphasises the high quality of their lifestyles and wealth. The light gives a glamorous and rich look to the music video. Also at the beginning they use text over a shot of the ground with the name of the group – N-dubz. The text is written in the font that ‘N-dubz’ is known to use and shares a link to their posters, CD covers, etc as it is found there also. They use quick edits throughout the video on the beat of the music, changing the shots to each of the different artists within the group which gives them equal time on screen. There are also many close-up camera shots on the artist who is singing/rapping which gives the audience a clear view of who is speaking. Freeze-shots are used in black and white at the start of each verse. I think this is to alert the audience that someone new is going to narrate and to show them what is happening in the new scene. Finally, the videos ends with a circle fade-out which I feel is a very classy and stylish way to finish

In conclusion, I chose this video as I feel that it represents the R’n’B style that so many artists choose to show in their video (i.e. with the big house and attractive women).

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