Wednesday 22 September 2010

British Music Artists- Lesson 3

This is a British music artist called Dotstar, this video is called 'She's killing me', it's obvious from the title that this song is about a woman or women.

The narrative voice is Dotstar singing to the camera about how sexy the girls in the video are and how their metorphorically killing him with their beauty. Even though there are more women then men in this video the men are still seen as dominant because they are fully dressed whereas the women are walking around half naked or dressed with large areas of the body showing and jumping all over the men ecspeacilly Dotstar who is the main perosn in the video. The women are represented as sexy objects and the men are seen as gods who get all the women, this video is from a males prespective.

The video is set in a night club and some scenes are in a car but the cars not on a road, it's not a big fancy sophisticated club it's more of an underground rave scene and everybody there seems to be 18 to about 25, so the people probaly represent a young working class generation. The people in the video are most probaly a mirror of the people who listen to and buy Dotstar's music. The genre of this music is a funky/grimey one and the video fits in well, the dark location with bright colourful lights, people dancing to the beat and having a good time.

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